

Review - One year in review 2018: systemic vasculitis

Elefante E, Bond M, Monti S, Lepri G, Cavallaro E, Felicetti M, Calabresi E, Posarelli C, Talarico R, Quartuccio L, Baldini C. One year in review 2018: systemic vasculitis. Clin Exp Rheumatol. 2018 Mar-Apr;36 Suppl 111(2):12-32. Epub 2018 May 18.

Systemic vasculitis are heterogeneous, complex and disabling disorders. Following the previous annual reviews of this series, this paper gives a brief overview on current knowledge about recent literature on small- and large-vessel systemic vasculitis, with a specific focus on pathogenetic and clinical aspects, novel possible disease-related biomarkers and current and future therapies that are in the pipeline.

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Angelo Vacca, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine
Department of Biomedical Sciences and Human Oncology
Chief Clinica Medica "G. Baccelli"
University of Bari Medical School
I-70124 BARI (Italy)

Phone +39-080-5478057
Fax +39-080-5592189
e-mail angelo.vacca@uniba.it